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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Grade is done...

Just finished the DI and video HD grade for Beneath Hill 60 with the nice people at Cutting Edge in Sydney, especially the talented colourist Adrian Hauser. The DI was completed on their Baselight Four system at 'Super 2K' resolution - scan super 35mm neg at 4K on the Spirit Datacine, then conform and grade at 2K for filmout. Adrian pulled a few tricks out of his sleeve to make some of the darker scenes look better but overall he says it was not a difficult grade compared to some - basically because we originated on film as opposed to digital, making his job a little easier.

It does look fantastic, as do the impressive VFX shots also done by the Cutting Edge team. Here's hoping plenty of people get a chance to see the movie in cinemas.